Christmas means many things to many people. Some love the time-honoured traditions that tie the generations together; others enjoy the family get-togethers, the feel-good movies, the soul-stirring carols, the decorations, celebrations, and of course, the abundance of temptations.
We asked some of our Christmas-loving team members what Christmas means to them and how they plan to celebrate.
At RT Edgar, family homes are at the heart of our business, and one thing is for sure, being at home surrounded by family is number one on our wish lists.
From everyone at RT Edgar, we wish you and your families a happy and healthy festive season.
Merry Christmas.
Sarah Case, Director, Toorak
Being from the country, Christmas is the time I get to have a good break and spend time with my Mum and Dad. I’m an only child, and they only have one grandson, and we don’t get to see them often throughout the year as I’m usually working six days a week.
We will be spending Christmas Day at Peterborough, near the Twelve Apostles and we always have a traditional dinner with roast pork, apple sauce and extra crackle as well as roast turkey with cranberry sauce and my Mum makes the best plum pudding with brandy sauce ever!! I also make an amazing homemade eggnog – it’s strong! We then head over to Sorrento on the ferry from Queenscliff to stay with my best friend at her family’s house and my son, Tex, does Nippers, which is an excellent program for kids and all his school friends are there.
Favourite Christmas carol/song?
Cheesy, I know, but Mariah Carey’s All I want for Christmas.
Favourite Christmas movie?
I love Bruce Willis in Die Hard it’s always on at Christmas time! But my son loves The Grinch!
All I want for Christmas
... is to spend time with family and good friends, awesome weather, good tunes, and lots of spicy margaritas!

Warwick Anderson, Director, Toorak/Portsea
Christmas to me means time with family, particularly our two delightful baby granddaughters. This year I plan to spend Christmas Day at the beach or on the water and enjoy a traditional ham and turkey lunch followed by traditional Christmas Pudding. Our family loves the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree and sharing presents with the children, grandchildren and our ‘grand-dog’!
Favourite Christmas carol/song?
Silent Night (sung in original German)
Favourite Christmas movie?
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
All I want for Christmas is
... a Teddy Bear!

Juliette Zhou, Director, Whitehorse
Christmas to me means the longest holiday of the year. It is when I can spend quality time with family and friends. On Christmas morning, I will be opening gifts with the family, and I also plan to make a special breakfast. Our family’s Christmas traditions include the fun of moving the ‘elf on the shelf’ every night to a new place after my daughter goes to sleep so she gets a surprise when she wakes up. I also enjoy leaving out the carrots and glass of milk for Santa and his reindeer on Christmas Eve! I’m from a traditional Chinese family, so dumplings are our signature dish for every big celebration. This Christmas, my parents plan to make dumplings with complicated fillings, including pork, chives, prawns, egg, etc. Yum!
Favourite Christmas carol/song?
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Favourite Christmas Movie?
Home Alone
All I want for Christmas
... is to stay with family, and to have some whisky whenever I feel like (without the worry of getting grumpy or tipsy!)

Brock Grainger, Director, Bellarine
I love the Christmas season and the excitement it brings to the community. It’s a great chance to catch up with friends and colleagues and celebrate the year that’s been. We enjoy going to local events such as the lighting of the Point Lonsdale Christmas tree, our street Christmas party, Christmas in the Grove, and driving around with our kids to see the Christmas lights. We also like to get out on the boat and drive to the Christmas tree at the Geelong waterfront. Since having children, it has become more about the magic of Christmas. Nothing beats the excitement of Christmas Eve, all the speculation of what gifts they might get, the numerous wakeups during the night, and running outside to see if the reindeers nibbled on the carrots! Sadly, my wife Michelle lost her Dad earlier this year, so we are having Christmas Day with her Mum. It will be a tough day but no doubt the enjoyment of Christmas on our kids’ faces will help Michelle and Nanna get through it. We will be having a pretty big seafood spread.
Favourite Christmas carol/song?
It would be un-Australian if it wasn’t the Australiana version of 12 days of Christmas.
Favourite Christmas movie?
Michelle makes me watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation every year. Got to love Chevy Chase.
All I want for Christmas is
... a magic wand that makes buyers see houses the way owners do, and vice versa.